Thoughts from Ralph ...
Years ago, as editor of several Exploration, Inc., newsletters, I included two images I had inherited into the SPRING 2000 Kokoweef investors’ newsletter - - indicated as being my copyrighted images. Several years later, apparently viewed as some sort of “communal-volunteer property,” the images were transferred, without my permission, under the later “official” Kokoweef website’s “TOUR” button - - and for purposes that I can no longer approve (i.e. raising money based primarily on “emotional promoting”). My objection is because there is NO CONTEXT included to explain the validity, OR lack thereof, for Dorr’s handwritten indications NOT relating specifically to Kokoweef Peak. Unlike the time of my first emotionally-driven impressions (Spring 2000), I am also, now, sure Earl Dorr’s indications have little or nothing to do with “things at Kokoweef.” Oh BUMMER! ... Truth is what it is.
In the past, as a financially limited, “ self-willing-‘slave’ ” volunteering & living at the Kokoweef millsite for MANY, MANY YEARS, I had not been able to afford doing any far-flung researches into the history of Earl Dorr, his mining claims or the surrounding geology of the regions near Mt. Pass, CA. That changed considerably after the settlement of Willard Dorr’s estate and enabled me, for four years, to take a GEOLogy class, conduct concentrated, electronic researches at DORR Peak and to travel to various libraries and meet individuals around the West regarding the so-called ‘Kokoweef’ Legend (Nat. Archives, Denver, CO, and Colorado Springs, CO, Nat. Park Service to name a few). My conclusions about Earl Dorr’s “reliability” regarding the release of information to the public has changed VERY considerably since the newsletter of Spring of 2000. I hope to include some of this in future (copyrighted) updates on the “original” Kokoweef website. One salient fact to be aware of is that the owner of the present “Official” Kokoweef website had never offered me an open link for sharing my research results about Earl Dorr, the Mojave Desert’s “Underground River” Legend, or the geology of the immediate areas - - especially those NOT at Kokoweef (Note: The legend’s geology cannot possibly all fit under only Kokoweef Peak - - even if it’s ever “solved” there - - which I strongly doubt).
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